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GCSEs, A-Levels and Degree Options

Choosing GCSEs, A-Levels, and degree options can be a bit of a minefield. Many schools have excellent career programmes, but some struggle to give the individual student the needed time. Whilst GCSEs and A-Levels used to be a stepping stone to university, today, however, many degree courses demand specific subjects. For many overseas students and their families, poor choices can lead to disappointment in the future.


At TL, we can guide you through your choices. Mr Haydon Moore, the founder of Trinity Learning, is available for hourly consultations. He will discuss your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and explain the implications for future career choices. He will discuss options for GCSE, A-Level, and degrees before you have to commit your preferences to your school or UCAS.


Mr Moore will find a time that is suitable for you, after school or at the weekend, and a recording of the session will be sent to you for reference. Sometimes students just need a little reassurance; for others, they haven't a clue what to do - it really doesn't matter; Mr Moore is happy to help you every step of the way.

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